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New Year’s resolutions for business professionals: are they worth it?

Whether you’re a believer in ‘New Year, New Me’ or not, you’ll likely be familiar with the post-festivities slump that drives so many people to want to make a change.

But we are notoriously bad at sticking to them.

A YouGov survey found that of the 12% of Brits who made a resolution for 2020 (equating to over 8 million), only 26% managed to follow through on all of them, while 23% failed completely (the rest sticking to some but not all).

7 Reasons we fail to stick to New Year's resolutions: we do it for the wrong reasons, we start with an unattainable level of effort, we don't track progress, we don't have realistic measurable goals, we don't have anyone to hold us accountable, we resolve to do something we don't enjoy, we try to do too much at once

Why does this happen?

One of the main reasons for so many resolutions failing early on is a lack of accountability.

When we commit ourselves to a resolution, it is important to have someone (or a team of people) who can hold us accountable and help us to reach those goals, and many people don’t.

Break the trend and consider a company resolution

Rather than be part of the statistic for another year, we are encouraging you to introduce a company resolution in 2023 that you can tackle with your team.

And it doesn’t have to be complex – even a few simple business resolutions can lead to improvements and growth across the whole company.

Not sure where to start? Take a look at our suggestions below for a few simple business resolutions to get you started that work in harmony, allowing you to improve your business without adding a mountain of additional work to your plate.


3 simple New Year’s resolutions for business professionals

How to achieve company-wide improvements in 2023


1. Accommodate remote working and encourage collaboration

This one might seem paradoxical, but with the business landscape changing so much, it is a business resolution you should consider if you are looking for ways to motivate and support your team while accommodating working from home full-time or ‘hybrid’ working.

new year's resolutions for business professionals

Providing your team with laptops and home office equipment is a great start to accommodating remote working, but you should also review your business’ software and processes to establish whether their jobs may be disrupted by the transition.

For example, if your CRM or financial management solutions are hosted on a server in your office building, your team is likely to be faced with many moments of frustration while attempting to connect via VPN.

If you’re considering hybrid or home working for your business, ensure you take your solution to the cloud before you implement the change to allow your team to access the systems from wherever they are.

2. Use technology to automate & prioritise cyber security

If your business is still using manual processes, spreadsheets and manual workarounds alongside a less-than-ideal on-premise CRM or financial management solution, it’s definitely time to consider a company resolution to make 2023 your year for business digitisation.

While moving your solution to the cloud eliminates the hassle of trying to connect to your on-premise solution while working remotely, this isn’t the only advantage.

Cloud-based solutions are always on and fully automated, providing you with access to the very latest information and data, whether you’re in the office, at home or on a yacht in the Mediterranean.

Cloud-based solutions also mean an improvement in cyber security for your business’ data as there is no risk of losing data in the rare event of your on-premise server breaking down or going offline unexpectedly.

While many people worry about the security of their data when hosted by a third party on a cloud platform, thanks to APIs, they are highly automated, and automatically updated and monitored, meaning less work for your IT team.

And with best-in-class solutions like Sage Intacct, you can count on your data always being safe.

Get in touch to find out more about implementing Sage Intacct for your 2022 business resolution.

3. Streamline processes & improve customer satisfaction

Complicated, long-winded processes can be a killer for a business of any size.

For many businesses, multi-step processes that require a lot of manual input and management mean wasted time and, as a result, spending money and using resources that would be better allocated elsewhere.

If this is a problem within your business, consider introducing a company resolution to adopt a cloud-based ERP solution.

ERP System

With cloud-based ERP and financial management solutions, you can assist your finance, production, quality control, sales, and countless other departments in getting rid of those time-consuming, manual tasks and reallocating their valuable time to priority tasks that can help grow your business.

By automating these tasks and freeing up hours of time for your team members, you also speed up your business’ processes in their entirety, make communication more efficient.

Not only does this have a positive impact on your business internally but also means your team can focus more on your customers, reducing email response times and improving customer satisfaction.

Don’t forget to hold yourselves accountable & reward success

When you’re working towards a common goal with your team, your resolutions can be looked at as many individual goals that come together to create one outcome.

This pairing is best run alongside any of the business resolutions we’ve outlined, or even something entirely different if you and your team have a specific goal in mind for the coming year.

It could be to reach a specific milestone in terms of company turnover, or to increase your company headcount by a certain percentage; whatever your chosen business resolutions, be sure to:

  • set achievable and measurable goals
  • hold yourselves accountable by regularly reviewing your progress against your goals
  • reward any achievements and success, regardless of scale.

Could Sage help you meet your business resolutions?

Send us a message to request a call back for further information on how Sage could benefit your business.

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