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Today’s fast-paced business world demands ever greater efficiency in order to maximise profits while minimising time and effort. In this post we’re sharing our 5 top tips to efficiency improvement in your SME, and the part cloud accounting software can play…


efficiency improvement

What Reduces Efficiency?

The first step to improving efficiency in business is working out the influential factors. Whether it’s a lack of resources, low employee engagement, technological advancements or your processes and practices – figuring them out and making an improvement plan is your first task.

In terms of managing business finances, we’ve put together our top 5 tips for efficiency improvement below.

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1. Automation

Routine accounting tasks take up a large portion of time for many small and medium sized businesses, with tasks like data entry, accounts payable and receivable becoming more time consuming, repetitive and mundane as the business grows.

Automating these processes with cloud accounting saves employees time and allows them to focus on key tasks including financial data analysis and strategic planning, while reducing manual error risks – with an additional bonus of renewed enthusiasm amongst the team!

Is it time to move to cloud accounting?

The Power of Finance Automation

Read more on Financial Automation in our FREE Article

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2. Use Real-Time Data

Using historical financial data to make business decisions can mean missing out on opportunities and struggling to avoid potential pitfalls.

Digitalising your financial management with cloud accounting software like Sage Intacct will provide 24/7 access to real time data from any internet connected device – so when those unexpected opportunities arise you’ll be poised and able to confidently make key decisions to take full advantage.

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3. Improve Insights

What if you could run reports in minutes instead of days? Or have instant visibility via intuitive, customisable dashboards, so you can see at-a-glance financial and operational data whenever and wherever you need it – both become a possibility with best-in-class solution Sage Intacct.

Sage Intacct’s dimensional reporting capabilities allow you to drill down into granular detail, giving superior insights into all aspects of your business.

Explore the power of Intacct’s Reporting and Dashboards in our overview video below.

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4. Improve Teamwork

Bring teams together and promote better collaboration, instead of them operating as separate entities. When teams are aligned and supporting each other, a business benefits from enhanced creativity, smoother communication and boosted morale!

Features within Sage Intacct such as permission-based access to reporting and dashboards allow even external stakeholders to access the information relevant to them without requesting it from another team. In addition, Intacct’s Open API connectivity integrates with other key systems like Salesforce, aligning your sales and finance teams and improving efficiency across the board.

Interested in finding out more? 

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Boost Your Scalability

An inevitable caveat of business growth is the increased complexity of managing financial processes. Focus is diverted away from managing growth and planning as manual processes become more time consuming and more involved, leaving you juggling to manage it all.

A sophisticated accounting system like Sage Intacct has the technology, functionality and features to handle the increasing complexity, and provide you with the tools you need to manage all your business financials effectively.

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The Intacct Impacct with Acuity Solutions

Now we’ve introduced you to best-in-class Sage Intacct, allow us to introduce ourselves!

We are a leading Sage Partner with more than 30 years’ experience in helping customers beat their accounting challenges. We work closely with customers, really getting to understand them and their business, working as a partnership to help them reach their goals.

We offer fixed price implementations on all projects, so you’ll always know what to expect – even if the schedule overruns.

We pride ourselves on top notch service and support, from helping customers find the right Sage Solution, through to implementation and beyond!

Ready to find out more?

Arrange a call or a demo by simply filing out the form and we’ll be in touch!